
Monday, September 29, 2008



Tuesday, September 23, 2008


SO SEX AND THE CITY IS OUT ON VIDEO TODAY !!!!!!!!!!! I'M SOOO EXCITED! I THiNK All Of The gIrLs are sO cute bUT only 2 aRE My fAVoRIte and ThAT's mIsS cARrIe AND cHaRLoTTe! WHO's yOUr favorite?


So Yesterday was the first day of FALL for every one else! But for every one that lives here knows that are FALL doesn't start for a couple of weeks ! which I guess that's OK because it's not like I can really tell mother nature to move it up. HeeHee. I wish I could, but I'm hoping that when we go up North this weekend I will be satisfied with a little FALL! So I guess can hold out a little longer.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OK ITS A........

.......................................................A............................................................................... WE all had to go to the Heward's @ 9:30! So of coarse we showed up at 8:30!!! I just couldn't wait. My mother in law knew what chanie was having "oh and that was torture"!!!! So around 9:45 the proud parents of a baby(?)showed up with cup cakes in their hands and told us that we all had to pick one, and that in the mild of one of the cup cakes there was a piece of paper that said BOY or GIRL? So I became the cup cake Nazi and not letting any one enjoy there cupcake's, I watched carefully as every one ate there cup cake. I thought it was in a green cup cake, but no I was wrong it was in a BLUE cup cake tricky tricky Chanie! As Connor almost ate the hole thing he felt the paper that was now half eaten! It said GR I looked up and Screamed its a girl??? chanie was laughing so hard I ran over and gave her a BIG huge, and then ran back to my seat hoping that the house full of pretty much BOYS would not see me CRYING!! I know I cryed again! But I was so happy! I just couldn't believe it. I mean that's what we thought but I didn't know for sure if it was going to be right! But the winners of the baby gender goes to....... (DAD aka Adam), ME, Chris, Cade! We are so excited for Adam and Chantalle. I just know that this Baby is going to be soooo LOVED especially by her Auntie Mandee! yeah I'm a AUNT!!! that's one of the best words. I love all my aunts and can't wait to be this little GIRLS AUNT! I just love her already!!!

Boy or Girl??

OK so i'm NOT pregnant! But my little sister in law is! She is going to have a baby some time in Feb. so that means today is the day we find out what we are having YEA!!!
This is how we found out she was pregnant. She told us the night before the BIG day chads mission to Brazil.I was soo excited because they had been trying for awhile and they where actually going to stop trying cause she finally figured out what she wanted to go to school for, she wants to be a nurse and in the nurses course they have to work with chemicals which is not good if you are pregnant, and her hubby Adam wanted to go to school full time anyways need less to say she has put that of for awhile. So she put a sign in chads room saying good luck ! UNCLE CHAD so chad came up from his room saying "who is pregnant"? I was thinking to my self "NOT ME"!! so I look around the table and then it hit me CHANTELLE is pregnant "oh my GOSH CHANIE IS PREGNANT" I started to scream "OH "OH " "OH" then I started to laugh, and then cry! I was soo excited I jumped out of my chair and started doing a Richard Simmons move. jumping up and down! ( I for sure looked like a dork!!) My whole family was laughing including the Happy to be parents! The reason for acting this way is cause this is going to be the FIRST baby on the hewards side, and that they have been trying for a long time. So we wanted to get together this Tuesday to have them tell us as a family, but it looked like it was gong to be to busy for the Happy couple. We just got the call and...... Its ...... we have to wait tell tonight UHHHHH!
Some one like me with ADD is going to have a very longgg day! Wish us luck on a Girl!! That's what Chris and I think its going to be and what we want it to be!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Ok so I totally love the UFC! Chuck Liddell is fighting tonight and I just can’t wait to see a knock out! At least that’s what I hope to see. The last couple of fights he hasn’t done very good , but thats ok! We still love CHUCK! I’ll keep you guys up to date on who wins! Grrrrrrrrrr!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today it happened... I went outside this morning and I felt the most wonderful thing... FALL! This morning it seemed cooler and more crisp. And fall is knocking on my door. I love love love fall. I love the leaves! I love when the turn red and orange. I am being a dork but I love everything that has to do with fall. Fall, FALL, FALL! Don't get me wrong I Love all the seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and FALL! Fall means HALLOWEEN! and if you didn't already know this about me.... I love HALLOWEEN more then any Holiday. I think???? Nope I do!! Then comes Christmas in a close second!

I have already bought a little Halloween decor from Tai pan some big black leaves, and a witch sign. If that is not the best way to spend a little money I don't know what is!(Chris wont agree but I don't care) and I am just waiting for the green light to start going for fall in my house. I usually wait until the end of Sept but I hope I can wait that long? There is something so whimsical and fun about my Halloween stuff... I have a treasure chest that me and my mom do and a witches lab on my coffee table and lots more stuff. Its in my blood to love Halloween because my mom and I are really witches at heart. We love Halloween! So I am digging out my Martha Stewart Living mags from the past couple of years and am going to start getting into the fall festive mood. but that wont be to hard! I can't wait to wear fall clothes and junk up my house with orange and black... and enjoy the cool down and the BEAUTIFUL fall. This isn't the last you'll hear about this... I am soooo EXCITED about FALL!!!!!

P.S The little mermaid was Gr8t must rent it if you loved the first little mermaid and if you have kids the will love the new little mermaid! **** four sartz from me. it