
Sunday, March 1, 2009

So we found out what we are having Friday! It was soooo cool cause we did a 3D ultra sound and I couldn't believe how well you could see everything the baby was kicking, stretching and yawning we loved it and when I say we that means we had a whole posy with us, My Mom, Chris' Mom, my Aunt Lora, my Sis, Chris and I. I can't believe there really is a baby in there! It's so neat! Here are some pic. of are baby.......

Yep! that's right it's a baby......... BOY!!! Hudson will be born around August 4th! We can't wait! He is soo cute he always has his hand by his head or sucking his thumb!! I love him sooo much already! ! Chris and I went last night and bought him his first two outfits! Dad found a wayyyy cute outfit for him! :)