
Monday, June 28, 2010

june and a little picture overload!!

June has been nice and a little more relaxing.
Hudson is walking.
I'm not going to be excited when he get's more use to his sea legs and starts running every where!!!

Just maybe... he will be the next Paul Cardall!

Hudson has been getting to heavy for me to lug him around in his old car seat.
Plus, I don't think he liked it when I would run his poor little leg's and hand's into the wall cause he was getting to big for it but then again maybe I'm wrong.
Sooo we have moved out of the old car seat, and into the new car seat!!
I think he looks pretty cool in the new one!

Auntie M got home form her honeymoon and she brought Hudson home a present...
some very cute... whoops I mean cool glasses!

Nothing like good old 107 degrees in St. George to make you want to go swim.
Thanks to Uncle Cam and Auntie M for letting us go swimming in their pool!
They are life savors.
So of course we have to make more the merrier and have cousin Brinley come swim with us!

Hudson and Chris have to do there trick everywhere we go!
Especially the pool!!


These are Megan's Bridals!
Wow I can't believe my little sissy is married! She looked sooo pretty in her dress,
it fit her like a glove!

She is so Gorgeous.

Hudson started doing this new thing with his tongue. It made us laugh soo hard!
He is always doing funny things!

This is what happens when I leave Hudson home with Dadda! He ends up looking like bubble butt boy!

So they finally tied the knot!
With a lot of help from my Mom's Groupie Friends, Athella and Aunt Lulu!
It wouldn't have happen!
They are the sweetest girls!
They helped out with the whole thing soooooo much.
I don't think we could thank them enough.
I will need to post more picture of the decoration when I get them!

a little april showers!

Easter: Hudson got an Elmo Basket full of fun toys!

Great Grandma and Grandpa Sorenson came from Las Vegas to see us.

Hudson looooves Elmo!!!

Mr. Quakers sang Old McDonald when he quacked, and Hudson thought it was so funny!

Megan and Cameron got engaged!
Cameron asked her in a very cute way. He had little rhymes that led her to a different egg. At the end their was a GOLDEN egg that asked her to merry him with her engagement ring in it.

The Heward's Easter egg hunt is always fun, but this year it was even funner cause of the two little squirts (Hudson and Brinley)

April also brought on a birthday. No not Hudson's, but Grandma Lady's Brithday.
She asked for a high chair for Hudson. Sooo you would have thought it was Hudson's Birthday!

Uncle Matt came up from Las Vegas to celebrate Grandma Lady's B-Day! We love when he comes to visit us!

These are Megan and Cam's engagement pictures. Don't they make a cute couple?!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A little of march!

Hudson is a busy little man. But too cute to get mad at!

Hudson is such A BOY. Chris and Hudson wrestle all the time. Hudson loves to be upside down!

We got this new toy for Hudson. At first he was not to sure about it , but he loves it now !
Whenever he gets something new Hudson always has to taste it to make sure he likes it first! LOL!!!

Spring has came and gone, but when Hudson discovered grass he wasn't to sure if he liked it or not, the only thing he did like were the flowers and well... he wanted to taste them!

He loves the grass can't you tell! :)


We always love a little visit from uncle Matt!