
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday MR. HP!

This is Hudson's Story.

*The cabbage is for (cabbage patch kid)

2nd was my feet barefoot in the kitchen *(pregnant women are always barefoot) 3rd was a bun in the oven (will that's self explanatory)
4th was me eating a pickle with mint ice cream *( weird cravings)
the 5th pic was of a baby Chris drew in church one day the 6th and final one was…. our four pregnancy tests YES four of them I had to be sure!

The day before Hudson came!

Our delivery room.
same room as Chantelle and Brinley's room!

I had gone my whole pregnancy with no swollen feet, That was until...
8 laps around the college track and 8 flights of stairs later!
(my mom kept me company)

We went in at 12:45 to the hospital and I was 4cm and 80% effaced.

When I got my epidural it made me very sleepy and itchy!

We just kept waiting... But not for to long!

This was my nurse.
Oh can I just say she was the bomb!
Nurse Brittany.
Ok Ok Brittany is my cousin but even if she wasn't I would still say she was the bomb.
( I'm not going to want any other nurse now. she spoiled me)

My mother in- law just so happened to work that day too!
(she came in @ 3:00 am and was there all day. What a sweetheart)
I couldn't have been in any better of hands!

my contractions.

Hudson made it here in about 4 hrs and 3-4 pushes later.

DR. Chamberlain is Awesome!

I thought Hudson was soo sweet!
I couldn't believe how pretty he was to me.

oops we have a problem.
He was soo not a happy camper!

Just A little douting !
OK OK more like a lot!




We had the whole HEWARD CLAN come see our Hud.

Going home form the Hospital.

Great Grandma and Grandpa S came up the very next day to see just HIM!

Look how big!

*You love Elmo and Sammy
( Auntie M's cat)
*Hudson is in size 4 dippers.
*About 24 month clothes.
* Hudson loves his Dada.
* Hudson can say Dada, Mamma and he is starting to tell me NO NO!
*Hudson gibber, gabbers all the time.
*Hudson sing's in the car.
*Loves his orange and turquoise Doggy!
*Hudson CAN give tight hugs.
( Hugs seem to only be given when he knows he is going to bed,
So in other words we pretend Hudson gives us hugs before bed)
*Hudson is a full on walker.
*Hudson loves the the pool.
*He loves his sippy cups with straws only straws!
( He thinks he is pretty cool when he get to drink out of them) * Hudson's favorite toys are, toy trucks, paper oh and... paper, Balls and pretty much any thing he can put in his mouth.
*Hudson is not really into baby food any more, unless it's mac and cheese.
*He loves pizza and Jucie boxes (with Elmo's face on them)
*Hudson has 7 teeth.

Hudson You light up our lives, you make us laugh and your mom cry!
(just cause your getting too big for mom)
We are soo glade you are in our family and We can't wait to see what kind of a person your going to be.
Happy Birthday HP!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

sarah and paul

Sarah + Paul= Baby BRYDAN!
Sarah and Paul are my Sister and Brother in-law's friends from High School.
Sarah is due on the 27th of July.
So we hurried and did some last minute belly pictures!!
They are such a cute couple.
They're so excited to spoil their baby boy and soon they well be able to do just that!
I had soooo much fun doing these pictures. Sarah and Paul are going to be such cute parents!
Thanks you guys for letting me take your pictures!!