
Monday, March 21, 2011

Where oh where have we been?

I was able to take some belly bump pictures of my sister in-law last week.
We thought she was going to have her baby by now, but it looks like the little fella, Oh I mean it is going to stay in for awhile.
They decided to touchier us by not finding out what they are going to have!
But I think it is a boy, along with a couple of other family members.
I think the pictures turn out pretty cute.
Now baby boy or girl just stay in a while longer so Auntie M can get over this cold and take loooots of picture of you ohh and So I can kiss you!

I took pictures of HP for his 18 month marker.
Isn't that crazy my baby is now over 18 months!!
I think I'm going to cry.

*Hudson you love Buzz Light Year, Elmo, Barney and Thomas the train.
*You can say: Aaaan, Ooh, Fee!!! (One, Two ,Three).
*You are in 5T shoes and 24 month clothes.
You also say: No way, Wooow, Buzz, Dadda, Night night, Heywow (hello), Itey (kitty), Gog (Dog).
*You have had croup four times since you were born. (not fun)
*You go head first down the stairs.
*You cheese it like Grandma Lady when she says Hi baby to you!
*You love sticking things anywhere that has a hole.
*You love hanging out with the big kids and you think you are one too.
*You are a very stubborn eater.

HP sticking the screw drivers in the vacuum. (ooh yeah for me)
Can any one tell me why is it my kid does naughty things and I just think its funny and I go grab my camera!

Hudson enjoys being outside so much,
I think if we went homeless he would be the only one that wouldn't care.
HP play with Thomas, Tonka and Baxter the dog!
He loves Baxter!

Cheesing it!
Spaghetti feet anyone????
This is how serious Hudson is when he eats his food!

My GQ boys.
Looking their best for church! Chris, Hudson and
......the Two buzzes!

Can we say bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
( Like the fish from Nemo?)

Miss Brinley BOO had her 2nd Birthday.
Hudson and Brin loved the balloons and oh of course, her dog that she got
from Uncle Chad and Aunt Mikey!