
Friday, July 22, 2011


"What oh what am I going to do ????
Does this mean nap time is over????"

Chelsi Run and Birthday week!

Chelsi's Run
My mom has a group of friends (14) of them to be exact, that have known each other since kindergarten!
I know how cool is that?
But here is the cool thing about these girls, they are all there for one another through think and thin.
It's amazing what kind of friendships they have and what they have been through!
A couple of years ago my moms friend Lisa Petersens, daughter passed away.
She was an amazing athlete in many areas but Chelsi loved running.
My moms friend Nancy Gubler came up with an idea for a fund raiser
to always keep Chelsi's love for running living on!
So Nancy came up with "Chelsi's Run"
So for the past Four years on July 15th @ 10:00pm Megan and I Go help the groupie and my mom
with the water!

I wish I had a better picture of the groupie!
They are all soo cute and when I get there age I hope I look as good and act as fun as the Groupie does!!

It's Birthday week for Hudson and I.
I'm so excited for his Buzz Birthday Party and I get to go to...
The Little Mermaid with Chris on Monday for My birthday!
It is going to be a great week, As long as Hudson gets feeling better!
The poor kid has a ear infection and croup (again) and 
his two year old molars are coming in! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

*memory lane*

This is what is on my brain lately pregnancy!
I found some old prego pictures of me and remembered that my pregnancy was really good almost too good.
The one on the left I think I was 8 months pregnant,
and the one on the far right is....Mr.Chris playing the drums. 
He would always do this. lol!
Then there is my baby frog he was 2 months old. ahhhh!
I'm saving the best for last, Cabbage Patch Kids!!!!
I loved Cabbage Patch Kids!!!
Kelsey and I would play for hours and hours with them!
I loved how they smelled, their belly buttons and...
the signature on the tush
I think I should go buy one tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who is a "Whooo?"

Meet Hudson Whoo, from Whoo Ville!
have a happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The mother of all overloads.

So lets start off with fathers day!

Chris had to work that day, he actually had to work a double! 
Ugh poor punkin!
 But we didn't let that stop us from celebrate the best DAD everrrr!
The night before I stayed up late making sure Chris had his favorite muffins and cereal in the morning
before he left to work!

Fathers day family pictures!

A few of  my favorite thing about you Hudson!

Then we took a couple picture of 
Baby Avery and Big Sis Brinley on Sunday !

Yeah her Auntie M thinks she is pretty cute!

This was our first time coloring at home.
Hudson and I have had alot of fun until I turned my head.
 And ...... on things!
Lets just say the crayon's have been confiscated by..... THE mom!

OOOh and then Hudson and Elmo got in a little Fight. 
Elmo isn't as nice as he looks.

Embrace the camera!
So this is kinda hard for us Girls to do but I think it is so important.
Taking pictures with your kids. 
My mom didn't do this enough!
I wish she would have!
The ones I do see her in I cherish them, and only wish for more!
So these are for you Hudson and for me!
A much later Me.
For when I forget how sweet life was,
to have you with me all the time!

When you go off to school,
When you go on a mission,
When you get married,
When you have your own kids!

Hot summer days playing with the water hose!
Hudson and his BFF!

Kitchen gloves aren't suppose to be eaten, kid!
Entertainment at its cheapest!

This is what happens when you leave your kid alone to play at 
krave's  dry erase board!

We Found a CRAZY laundry Basket head  in our kitchen!
Oh nope it was just Hp!

Making cookies!
for Hudson and I's BFF.....
Grandma lady.
this was her request for babysitting!

Auntie M discovered Hudson loves Hot Dig-a-dee Dogs!

 Poor Hudson.
He has a love hate relationship with this trike!
If it would only not swivel 
if it had a lock on the wheels he would be a happier boy! !
 Here are the Laidlaw twins!
The are so sweet!
So opposite of each other.
One has strawberry blonde hair and the other one has brunet hair.
One is OK with being pushed in awkward posses and the other
one is not!
They are Georgia and Elizabeth Laidlaw!
I had alot of fun doing the pictures.
Thanks Brit for letting me come over and play!!!!

Georgia is already practicing her smile, while her sissy sleeps!

The 4th of July!
We had a good turn out! 
We had well over 50 people at Grams front yard this year!

Earlier that day a little birdie told me we had 44 people and 4 dogs at the lake! 
Now that what I'm taking about!

Our attempt to get the 4th of July family picture!

The Haider Family 
Cam, Meg & CocoBear!

My LOVE and I.
{It's very rare we get picture of just us!}

Don't be to jealous that our family is really fun!

This is my all time favorite. 
 It brings back memories of my cousins and I when we were little.
Nothing like a little "ooh and ahhhh" form the front yard crowd!

Hp still loves the fireworks.
But when the loud fireworks would go off he would take off running and come site by us!

Some of the Randolph Family!

The Heward and steree Family!

The Birthday girls!

Just own the night, Like the Fourth of July,Cause baby you're a firework!- Katy Perry

Hudson loves sparklers. 
He kinda freaks me out. 
No fear in this kid what so  ever!

My cute little Family!
{minus a few!}

My men!