
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cream Cheese cheeseir

Hudson loves Cream Cheese more then the  bagel itself.

*My Family Birthday Party*

I love Birthdays with my whole family, nothing is better then getting together eating, laughing and having fun!
Plus My mom knows how to make a Birthday 
Cute and Yummy, just the way I like it!!:)
It couldn't have been better! 
(Thanks Mom and Meg for helping her.)

The Girls!

The Four of us!

Laughter and Fun!

I was way to spoiled this year!
(Thanks Fam-balie!)

My best friend!

7 years!

So Chris and I had our 7yr anniversary. 
Oh was it soo much Fun and needed. 
The Best part was that I suprised Chris.
I kept it a secret for two week!!!!
He had no clue.

I told Chris we were going to breakfast in the morning for our anniversary. 
He was excited just for that! 
I told Chris that Megan was going to watch Hudson while we went.

The Day before we left, Chris had to work.
So I packed our bags.
That morning we droped Hudson off with Megan at Matt's house.
So off we went to our anniversary Breakfast. ;)
We pulled up to the drive thru at McDonalds. 
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chris laughing under his breath and then he started making funny faces like why are we at McD's.
I turned and looked at him and asked him what he wanted, he started laughing I asked him why he was laughing?
He said well... why did we drop Hudson off if we were coming here???
I thought if you had us get all dressed up we would going to go to the Egg and I or the Bear Claw, not McD's drive threw.
I started to laugh and asked him if he wanted to know what we were really going to go do. 
He said YES!
I told him we were going to go to Duck Creek, go Four wheeling and stay in a cabin. 
The shock on his face was priceless.  
He asked if he needed to go home and change I said NO... I have your bags packed!
He was really shocked after I told him that . 
Nothing is better then surprising your hubby. 

Mission Call.

Connor got his Mission call.
He is going to be serving the next two years
 in Mexico City, Mexico for...
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter -Day Saints!Learn more here.
We are so Excited for him. 
He is going to be a awesome Missionary.

Oler Reunion!

Chris, Hudson and I went to Chris' Family reunion on the Oler side. 
At Zions, it was so much fun. 
Jon Oler was in charge of it and put a lot of work into it .
I'm pretty sure Jon is going to be wiped out for at least a month!
( Thanks Jon, You did a great job!)

They had a slip in slide and a Very big pond to play in.
The boys had a blast at the slip in slide.
All of Chris cousin are so cute.
They had a cooking activity that Aunt Jill put together for the kids. 
Aunt Jill had foot surgery, so she couldn't be there to 
see how much the kids enjoyed cooking!

Boys are Crazy. 
You wouldn't see Girls doing this!
We had a blast with the Oler Family and we are so glad we went. 
We are mad at ourselves for not going an extra day!:(

My Birthday!

I woke up to Breakfast in bed and 
to the two cutest fellas I know!

When I went Down stairs, Chris and Hudson had
decorated it with balloons and streamers!
(soo cute)

Okay so I'm being pretty daring by letting you guys see what Chris wakes up to every morning! 
But look how cute Hudson is, he couldn't wait to help me eat my Birthday Breakfast!

The Little Mermaid!

Chris Is so cute!
He got me tickets to the Little Mermaid at Tuacahn.
I loved it!!!!
If you haven't gone?
Get your ticket NOW!!!
My mom was a little bugged with Chris since she was going to get the tickets for me.  
Chris got them before he consulted with My mother!
BAD Chris!! lol.
But they still love each other. 
My mom got me my cute shirt to wear to the show and watched the Hudson!

Splash pad with dadda and The Steeres.

Oh man was I So happy that Chris could come with
us to the splash pad.
Hudson has a lot of energy, when we go any place.
I was glade to have an extra hand! 
Plus Chris and Hudson go together like PB&J, like.... two peas in a pod.:)

I love how Hudson kinda does a skip when he runs!

Hudson is like having free entertainment...

These two are funny together.
When they are at Grandma Hewys house,
Brinley usually bosses Hudson around and he lets her!
( I think he likes it most of the time most!?)
But this time he was the boss!

Good Job Brinley boo.
You are super strong!

He was so mad that he had to get off the ride of his life.
The funnest thing that has ever happened to him. 
Can you tell!!!!!!
Family picture with kids are well... not happin
until the are in their twenty's!

Hudson B-Day!

Come and join the Fun...

 Hudson loves many thing, one of his favorites is Buzz.
So of course we had to do a Buzz Party!

Uncle Matt, Faye and the twins got the 
Jump House for HP's Birthday!
( feeling the guilt... bad!)

 We had so much fun with everyone that came!
The Hewards.
Grandpa and Grandma Laidlaw.
Matt and his Family.
The Haiders + Grandma Lady.
The Steeres. 
Uncle Case even came down for HP's B-Day plus, Matt and Faye.
Thanks you guys it meant a lot!

When Brinley came in the house,
Hudson went over and gave her a hug! 
( a big ahhhh.)

Hudson was spoiled this year again! 
 Not as bad as his first year Birthday.
( Thank goodness it gives me anxiety to try to think where we are going to put all
of his presents in are teeny, tiny house!)

 It's your Birthday and you can cry if you want too!
(We took his big new truck away.)
 Hudson knew exactly what to do with his candles!
I thought we might have to show him
but he showed me he is bigger than I think!

Hudson : You make your Dad and I's life so happy and full!
Thanks for being our little ball of Sunshine!:0)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mama's shoes

"Nothing like some good old heels to make everyone happy!"
Soon to come your way:
-Hudson's B-day!
-Splash pad with the Steere's
- My B-day.
-Chris'  Oler Family Reunion.
-Connor opens his mission call.
-My Family B-day party!!
-Cream cheese chees-er! 
-Jumpin Jacks with the twins
-Chris and my Anniversary.
We have been real busy lately.
On top of all that, we have had four teeth cutting threw, an ear infection, 103 fevers with some Doctor Appointments mix in all of that!