
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OK ITS A........

.......................................................A............................................................................... WE all had to go to the Heward's @ 9:30! So of coarse we showed up at 8:30!!! I just couldn't wait. My mother in law knew what chanie was having "oh and that was torture"!!!! So around 9:45 the proud parents of a baby(?)showed up with cup cakes in their hands and told us that we all had to pick one, and that in the mild of one of the cup cakes there was a piece of paper that said BOY or GIRL? So I became the cup cake Nazi and not letting any one enjoy there cupcake's, I watched carefully as every one ate there cup cake. I thought it was in a green cup cake, but no I was wrong it was in a BLUE cup cake tricky tricky Chanie! As Connor almost ate the hole thing he felt the paper that was now half eaten! It said GR I looked up and Screamed its a girl??? chanie was laughing so hard I ran over and gave her a BIG huge, and then ran back to my seat hoping that the house full of pretty much BOYS would not see me CRYING!! I know I cryed again! But I was so happy! I just couldn't believe it. I mean that's what we thought but I didn't know for sure if it was going to be right! But the winners of the baby gender goes to....... (DAD aka Adam), ME, Chris, Cade! We are so excited for Adam and Chantalle. I just know that this Baby is going to be soooo LOVED especially by her Auntie Mandee! yeah I'm a AUNT!!! that's one of the best words. I love all my aunts and can't wait to be this little GIRLS AUNT! I just love her already!!!


The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

Congratulations Aunt Mandee! How exciting! You'll be the sweetest aunt ever! = )

Anonymous said...

Congrats, but you already are an aunt meanie!

Jessica said...

What a fun way to tell everybody. Congratulations!

Grandma Judy said...

Mandee you could be a MOM that is more fun, than being a Auntie, BUT the next best thing. (is being a Grandma,) That is the most FUN of all. I would not trade that for anything in this world