
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hudson Paul Heward



7 lb 12oz

21 inches

Hey guys look how cute I am!!

I'm a glow worm!

Orange you glad I didn't say Banana!

This is one of my favorite things to do! Just ask my mom!!

It's been a hard Day!
We will update the story on my arrival later! When my mom has the time! :)
So for now just enjoy the pic. :)


Melissa said...

YEAH!!! What a cutie!! I'll bet you are having sooo much fun! Can't wait to see more! :)

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the story. Call me when things settle down please, I am dying. He is so adorable. A mini Chris.

Sandy said...

He is so sweet! :) I hope everything went well!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mandee, he is so flippin cute! Congrats and I hope everything is going well.

The Hatch's said...

So cute! Congrats!

kate said...

SOO cute! Congrats guys! :)

Jessica said...

Congratulations! I just checked your blog a few days ago, I'm so glad he's here safe and sound. What a handsome boy!!!

k and j said...

Looks just like his Daddy!!! Congrats!

-Julie Pead.