
Monday, June 28, 2010

june and a little picture overload!!

June has been nice and a little more relaxing.
Hudson is walking.
I'm not going to be excited when he get's more use to his sea legs and starts running every where!!!

Just maybe... he will be the next Paul Cardall!

Hudson has been getting to heavy for me to lug him around in his old car seat.
Plus, I don't think he liked it when I would run his poor little leg's and hand's into the wall cause he was getting to big for it but then again maybe I'm wrong.
Sooo we have moved out of the old car seat, and into the new car seat!!
I think he looks pretty cool in the new one!

Auntie M got home form her honeymoon and she brought Hudson home a present...
some very cute... whoops I mean cool glasses!

Nothing like good old 107 degrees in St. George to make you want to go swim.
Thanks to Uncle Cam and Auntie M for letting us go swimming in their pool!
They are life savors.
So of course we have to make more the merrier and have cousin Brinley come swim with us!

Hudson and Chris have to do there trick everywhere we go!
Especially the pool!!


Brandi said...

Mandy-is he so cute and BIG!!!! WOW! What a doll!
Miss you! We are scrappin SLACKERS!!! ;) Melissa said she might plan one for sometime in the next couple weeks...haven't heard anything yet but hopefully we can get together before I have this baby!:)

Sandy said...

Wow you have been busy! Hudson is seriously the cutest little boy! Your sister looks just like you! The pictures are all so cute! I miss seeing you at scrap nights so we need to have one soon! :)

Anonymous said...

It's about time you updated your blog - ha ha
Hudson is so stinkin cute!! Fun posts!! I love the pictures of your mom and dad with him - Oh grandma San - I am so jealous!!

Nancy said...

I LOVE all the new pictures!! Huddy is soooooo cute!

Melissa said...

OMH! Where does time go huh? Seriously! And he is soooooo dang cute!

Leslie said...

He is SO adorable! I can't believe how big he is! The first time I met you you had just BARELY had him! CRAZY!
It was a fun scrap night--next month?!