
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We took a few pre - 4th of July pictures of Hudson.

You've gotta love the finger in the nose picture.
(I think every family needs one of these) hahaha!

But all in all finger's or no finger's... I love them no matter what!
"something only a mother could say"
(our first 4rth of July picture)

Hudson had to get a picture with the prettiest and coolest girl at the 4th of July gathering!

WOW...what good lookin fellas I have!

(Caution very contagious)

I love when hudson laughs hard, it's very contagious!

I love to watch Chris, watch Hudson.
Someone once told to me,
you fall even more in love with your husband,
when you have kids.
And that person was right!!

Abby's Birthday is on the 4th of july! (lucky girl) and
Cecilia is the 5th of July (lucky linco)

So every 4th of July we celebrate there Birthdays with a cake and a Birthday song!
we sure are glad you two where born!

This is my Big Broder his girlfriend Faye and her two kids, Aden and Ashley.
They came up from Vegas to spend the 3rd of July with us.
We loved having them.
Very soon we will have them all the time because they are moving here in August!

Uncle Matt, Hudson and Grandpa Bean looking at the fire works!
Oooooo eeee aaaah!

My Dad and Matt!
pretty cute!

Hudson's #1 FAN!!!
Auntie M and the rest of the FAM. might argue with that!

Best seat 's in the house!
Just ask any of my cousin's!!!

only some of us on the lawn!

Mr. Baxter wasn't about to miss the fire works!

We always go out to the lake on the 4th of July.
Then over to Grandma Liadlaw's house for pizza, hot dog's and root beer floats YUMMMMMMMM
and of cores to watch the fire works that are only a block away from us.
We love to go over to gram's house for the 4th of July!
It's the best in the house to watch the show!!
Just ask any of my family! :)


~..kass..~ said...

You guys are just the cutest little family!!! I love it :) Awesome pics too!

erica said...

darling pictures!
also, you and your sister are TWINS!

Garrett and Shelly and baby Julia said...

Hello Mandee! It's Shelly Poole! I love blog hopping haha, so glad I found your blog! You can find me and my hubby at Your 4th pics are so darling, your baby is so darling, YOU are so darling! I love that you are a nail tech - it is DEFINITELY your calling in life. It was my favorite thing in middle school to share nail secrets with you! Again, so glad I found your blog!

Phoebe said...

ah love your updates!! pics are darling!! Hudson is absolutely the most darling boy ever! just spent some time here on your blog...enjoying every picture!! love you guys!!


Thanks you guys! you are all way to nice!:) Shelly I'm glad you found me! I will have to hop over to your blog!

brittney said...

The one with ashley and the firework behind her is so cute! And, I envy your lens;)