
Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So I'm still stuck in November.
Before I can say Merry Christmas, (at least in my blog world).
I need to catch up with Novembers pic.
Soo until then here is a little update of my brother in-law Connor.
We took his senior pictures this last weekend.
I just have to say "He can work the camera", he knew exactly what to do.
He was very workable anything I wanted him to do he was up for .
Not a lot of guys his age would have said "What ever you want me to do I will do it"!
He did have one exception.... running threw water.
I don't know why?????? lol.
But here is my very cute and one of my favorite brother in-law senior pictures.
Thanks Connor for being such a awesome kid!

1 comment:

Megan said...

He can't be that old... That makes me old... They turned out great!!!