
Monday, April 11, 2011

{Hewards family spring pictures}

We took the Heward family pictures last weekend.
So when we were talking about the family colors I said bright colors and all different colors.
Well the boys didn't listen they all wore the same color of shirts!
Needless to say it turned out great anyways!
Thanks family for being so patient during are always fun family picture taking!

My cute Mother and Father in-law!

For our little family picture.
Let me just tell you all how that went!!!
Frustrating :)
This picture was taken with Hudson screaming!!!
So Chris and Hudson had to spin around and around,
and then I jumping in to smile.
WOW can you say dizzy!
That's my little HP for you nothing can ever be easy! Right??
The Steere Family has added one more to their family, sweet baby Avrey.
(More pictures of that cute little thing coming soon.)
Another little Heward Family, our Newly weds, Chad and Miss Mikey.
Mikey and Chad will be gone during the summer so this was last chance for family pictures!
Grandma and Grandpa Hammer came to visit,
and it just so happened, right in time for family pictures.
So of course we had to take some generation pictures!

These are the Hewy boys.
Aren't they so freaking handsome!
Especially one in particular??? ;)


erica said...

cute pictures. you can't even tell that hudson was freaking out. he's got the cutest little smile.
love all the bright colors!

Melissa said...

You are so talented :) LOVE the generation hands pictures! So cute! I would say that your little family pics turned out great! Your hard work paid off! :) Such a GREAT LOOKING FAMILY! :)

Kels said...

I love your family picture. Everyone looks so perfect! I will bite Huddies cheeks off...

Brandi said...

Cute Cute Mandee! Great job...yeah taking pics of little kids can be ROUGH! but your fam pic looks great:) Cute bright colors too!