
Monday, April 14, 2014

July is wear its at part 3...

HP's 4th Birthday!
He woke up to his favorite cookie cereal. 
He loved the Balloons more then I thought he would :)

He could hardly wait for his party to start, asking every hour if it was still his Birthday and when were all the Grandma's coming over? LOL ;) 
Isn't that the cutest!!!

 Everyone had to get their loot
for some mighty "Arghhh" fine pictures.

This is when the real party started. 

 Then he got to open his mail package from Scoti, Aunt Mikey and Uncle Chad. 
He loved everything everyone got him.
 We got him a strider bike thinking he would love it, but oh was I wrong. 
He tried it twice!!
Thank goodness I didn't get him a color I thought he would like and I just got a gender one. 

 Pirates Love cake. 
Especially this Pirate Birthday Boy . 


 Oops someone only know how to eat cake like a pirate.  
 The party goers. 
Are off to watch the Fire Works, since this Captain was born on Pioneer's Day.

That's going to be my leverage as long as I can.
 He only gets Fire Works if you live in Utah or maybe I'll tell him here in St.George until I have to say Utah. 
"Thanks Tyler for the fun Fire Works."

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