
Friday, January 30, 2009

Another fun suprizzzze!

Another fun surprise from the Hewards!! Or should I say for the Hewards. :) my sister in law had her baby yesterday ! Holy cow that was exciting! she was not due until Feb. 10! so she decide to come a little early! Brinley Steere came in at a whopping 6.10lb and 19.5 inch. screaming! Oh and she is sooo Beautiful!! We are so excited she is here with us! I will have to post some pictures of her after I go through my 1,000 or sooo pictures! There is one little problem for her UN expected and grand entrance to the world. That is Aunt Mandee was putting on her mom's Baby Shower this Saturday! I guess will have the star of the show there with us, but she will be with her Daddy up in one of the rooms!:(


Anonymous said...

Congrats. Being an aunt is so fun. I am glad you are updating now.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! Yay Mandee is having a baby. Do you know what you are having yet? I am going to be induced on Sunday.

Grandma Judy said...

We are sure happy about this little Heward that is coming into our Family,
Also that is a cute picture of you and Chris.
We love you and will see you soon
Grandpa and Grams "S"