
Monday, May 23, 2011

Mothers Day hooray !!!!!!

Was great.
It couldn't have been better!
We went to church.
Look at my handsome little man!

This card was from my cute boys.  Look how cute Hudson's scribbles are!

Hudson said he would give me two kisses.
I got a rain check on that one! lol

Made some flowers.
I usually give my mothers real flowers but, this year I thought I would make some cute Fabric Flowers from a blog tutorial. 

here is a link:

This beautiful lady is my Grams!
I luv her soo much. 
She is one of the most amazing people I know.
She feels more like a mom to me.
(And gets ask if she is my mom too! lol  :})
Hudson and I had to go give her a
flower cause she means the world to us! 

Then we went to the Hewards...

These to little squirts are what make Mother's Day possible!
OOh and this one. 
We cant forget her! 
To bad I cant say they are all mine:(

Ooh and then there is this cute lady. 
My mother in-law
AKA... the best mother in-law a girl could ask for!
She is like having Beaver Cleaver's mom as a mother in-law.
Some times that can be intimidating.
Cause Chris's expectations are probably 
high on what a mother can do! 
( oh dear! Poor me.)
I love her soo much. 
Thanks Jan for always being the best and most sweetest
mother in-law a girl could ask for!

Aren't they both just sweet!
(mmmm I could just eat her little cheeks! Baby Avrey's, that is! lol)

And then there is this lovely lady....
what can I say about her?
She is Wonder Women / MOM!
Well she is the reason I'm the person I am today!
(only the good parts not the bad)
She has taught me so much and is such a great example to me. 
  And my most bosom friend.
Together we are kindred spirits! ;)
(what movie is that from mom??)

We stitched her Hudson's hand and gave it to her in a frame. 
(It may have given me carpal-tonal thou? But... it was worth it!) 

This is what my boys gave me for mother's day.
(which I probable don't need but whatever it mother's day)
Krave Gift card,
And the best present everrrrrrr 
A Photo-booth  strip of the two most handsom guys ever!
(I loved it. It was so clever and thoughtful!)
Thanks chris and HP!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

What a DANG CUTE idea! I'm totally copying you!! ;) Miss you!