
Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So one of are BEST Friends came down from up north to spend the weekend in ST.George. The Davenports and BRYLEE! Oh my heavens is she cute or what! We haven't been able to meet Brylee since they moved up north last year about this time and ang was pregnant with Brylee so they brought her down Thanx guys!. Well I took 109 pic. of Brylee and she is not even mine. I don't want to know how mane I will take once I have my own kids! So I went and developed some pic of Brylee and started laughing when I saw some oh the pictures. I think people where think what a weird O I' am but if they could only meet her they would be laughing with me. These are a few of my favorite things about BRYLEE. 1) She has the cutest crooked smile and its just one of her many cute smiles but its my favorite!! 2) Don't take the bottle away when feeding her. I did and I learned very quickly not to do that ! :( 3) She loves Chris more then me not so much my favorite thing:( but ooh is it cute when Chris would say hi to her! See I would try every thing to get her to smile for me but all I would get out of her is a cute little crooked smile but when she saw Chris she would just light up! 4) She loves to hang on to her feet!
We had allot of fun with the Davenports swimming, shopping, Darango's, 25 main and the cup cakes! BRYLEE loved the frosting um mm! Ang and Steve are such awesome parents they make the baby stuff look easy! They both do their parts in helping each other and I thought that was awesome. WHAT GOOD PARENTS! We couldn't have had a funner time! Thanx guys for coming down!


Dave and Natasha said...

She IS a cutie! Our little girl's middle name is Brylee!

Anonymous said...

Ha, I am glad you took lots of pics because I realized I didn't take too many. I don't have a snazzy camera like you though. Thanks for hanging out with us lots. We had lots of fun. I miss you guys! I wish we lived closer. Love ya! The pic I posted of you is cute by the way. Don't hate!

The Hatch's said...

I love all of your posts. Looks like you've got the hang of this whole blog thing! Very nice! :)

Dave and Natasha said...

If you want to do a different blog background, like the one I have, just go to my page and look at my links. There are three different ones I have on there that you can get backgrounds from. One is or there's a link to it on my blog, also there's links to "blog layouts" and "Staci's Blog Backgrounds." Each of those sites explain how to change them, but if you can't figure them out, let me know and I can help you!

Matt and Cori said...

Thanks! How are you? I haven't seen you or talked to you in forever!! Yeah I think we will be in Vegas for a while. Matt teaches at Durango.