
Monday, November 2, 2015

MAY 2015

Getting ready for Idaho trip. 
-New tires... check 
-Packing... check     
                               -Thoughts of buying a house… Check

It even had a Backyard swing. 

I couldn't believe how green Idaho was.
I kept telling Chris I felt like I was in Greenland, even though I've never been to Greenland that's what I imagine it to be.
Adelaide never sleeps in the car, it's amazing when she does. 
When she does do it she is cashed out.
Car selfie... don't worry I keep my eyes on the road.
We drove from St. George to Salt Lake slept at Aunt Kelsey's house, the next morning drove the rest the way to Idaho. 
The first thing we did when we got Idaho was go to the zoo. 
The kids were super excited.
We just love uncle Casey he's like our own personal Manny. 

We couldn't get enough of the otters, they were the best!

Adelaide was in her element she loved the Goats.

Adelaide was telling the goats whether they were a grandma or a grandpa... brother or sister she was figuring it all out. 
She was in heaven every second or should I say go to heaven

Now, now Arilla!!!

I love anything that's a redhead!

After the zoo we went and picked up some lunch and
 went to great grandma and grandpa Heward's house.
I really fell in love with the whole place. 
grandmas magnets
 the cookie jar that I really really really really want
  the frog by the sink that reminds me of my own grandparents frog
to the light hanging in Grandma and grandpa's room.

Is that not the sweetest picture in the whole entire world.
That night we drove to aunt Julie's house and slept over, 
she's such a doll for letting us sleep at her house.

The next day was grandpa hammer's surprise 80th birthday part.
He really was surprised!
 It was fun to see all the aunts and uncles again it had been way too long.

After the party we went over to grandma and grandpa hammers and hung out with the fam.

This was a plaque hanging up before you go in the kitchen. 
I can't even tell you how much I love this I laughed so hard when I saw this.

It's terrible for me to admit this but… This was my first time in the 12 years that I've known Chris to have gone to his grandma and grandpa hammers house.

This carpet was out of control cuteness if you ask me.
At the end of my home tour of the hammers 
we got to see some baby birds in grandma's hanging basket.
That is great grandma Helmer up on the bench holding Hudson so that he can see the birds.
 she kills me... Now I know where my mother in law gets all her spunk and energy from…
 Her parents!

This little boy look exactly like Chris when he was little.
 I couldn't believe it so I had to take a picture and send it to my mom... Of course.
We all went down to Reeds dairy for some ice cream. 
everyone enjoyed it...I'll take their word for it.

On Sunday we all went to church at grandma and grandpa Hammers, but then decided not to go to class.
 I wonder what would've happened if we would have gone to class because see when we got done sacrament we realize we locked her keys in the car... I hate karma!
That showed us to go to all of our church meetings.

Thanks to grandma and grandpa hammer 
that was one less thing we have to pay for on this trip.

My mother-in-law's sister passed away December 2014 we decided to go and visit her.
The cemeteries up in Idaho are just beautiful her burial spot was gorgeous.

The only time I can get a cute  and decent picture of my kids is at the cemetery… Geez

As we were walking around I couldn't find Adelaide! 
finally I turned around and this is what my weird child was doing

We got back to aunt Julie's house and this is why we call Casey are Manny. 
He's the best uncle!

Later Sunday evening we went to grandma and grandpa Heward's for Sunday dinner.
Aunt Marsha finally got to meet our kids she is so sweet to us always sending us boxes of goodies and we just couldn't ever thank her enough for all she does.
And of course she had fun activities for us to do. 
And new winter coat!

I got to know Marsha even more on this trip.
 she brought me out this cute thank you card that Chris did for her when he was probably eight.
But I found out that Aunt Marsha and I both love holidays especially Halloween and taking pictures of our decorations and much more.

Our first Idaho trip to grandma and grandpa Hummers was a success!
He loved it and didn't want to leave.
Their house was darling, their backyard was gorgeous.
It's now become our new Spring tradition... see you next year.

Before heading out of town I had to take My Hudson to some train tracks,
 it was the highlight to his trip.

We had to stop and say goodbye to Aunt Kelsey before we went home while we were waiting for her played a little backyard hide and seek.

Right before dropping down into St. George Adelaide totaled us that her ears felt funny 
Chris and I just laughed.

 hudson last Preschool graduation. 

We were lucky to have some extra guests come to our preschool graduation program. 
Thanks for coming great grandma and grandpa HEWARD and grandma Hewy.

Miss Christina thank you for all you did for Hudson he loved you.

PJ's on the rock!
This is the best Ariel rock… 
Adventure rock…
 I'm glad my kids get to go on this rock too.

The fancey "A sisters" B-day.
adelaide turned three
Arilla turned one
It was like celebrating twins birthdays.
Was a little nervous for it.
 I kept putting it off and just winged it at the end
 it ended up being one of our most favorite birthday parties.
The year before for Adelaide's second birthday party 
we had melting ice cream cones all over the place 
this year we had hot cocoa and cookies who knew… Don't ever count on St. George weather.

It was so exciting and Megan and Hannah were there for the girls birthday we couldn't believe it.
We felt lucky to have them

She can definitely get into character.

And this one wanted nothing to do with any of the party props.

This little man of mine is sure a cheeser and he loves any kind of party.

Especially party's with mustaches.

Even grandma Laidlaw knows how to party.

I just can't believe she's one she's so darling 
she loves snuggles 
 her brother and sister
And TV

Hello Mr. tree I sure do like your mustache.

This year birthday party for Adelaide was a little different but a lot of fun.
Since I will be doing this forever... two birthdays on one day, I've decided I'll try to make the singing part just about them.
Adelaide get a cake… Arilla gets a cake.
The best part about it was Adelaide didn't get jealous once she was very happy to share her birthday she even song to Arilla when it was time.

Mothers day was super great! 
I love being a mother so much.
They have turned my whole world around,
 I feel so complete when I have my kids around me.
They are my complete joy and happiness.
They are my sunshine!!

Before the selfie Sunday got big I always took Sunday pictures with my kids cause here you go...
Call it cheesy if you want but I have a matching problem.
 I always have!
I had this problem in high school. Back then it use to be my purse, pencils, pens, NAILS all had to match and not just a little I mean dead on matching. 
Now its my kids! 
My mom has a picture with me and we matched I love that picture sooo much and I want that for my kids!
Plus how long can I get away with it???

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